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Where to Go in Traverse City: Bonobo Winery

Where to Go in Traverse City: A Look Inside Bonobo Winery

The OMP Winery Having the Most Fun

To clarify the header of this post, all of the wineries on the Old Mission Peninsula are excellent establishments.But,  each come with their own distinctive flair. For OMP legitimacy, some wineries lean on their long tenures on the peninsula, while others point to their many awards and medals from prestigious wine tasting competitions. Being the newest winery on the block, though, Bonobo lacks the history and decades of award winning wine to brag about. And Bonobo appears completely fine with that. Rather than bragging about how long they’ve been there or displaying medals, they simply pour you one of the best wines on the peninsula and encourage you to look out the porch window at arguably the best view of West Bay one can possibly behold.

Customer Service

Bonobo relies on its exceptional customer service and atmosphere to differentiate itself from the other wineries in Northern Michigan. To provide you with an example of this, I’ll relay an interaction we had with staff on our last visit. My wife was sampling one of their red wines. Then, the employee, Marvin, explained all of the intricate notes, textures and flavors that my wife might be noticing. Then, he asked something that I have never heard a winery employee ever ask  – “So, did you like it?”

And that is what we love about Bonobo. They’ve created a refreshing absence of pretentiousness that makes their wine and their winery so accessible. Also, so universally appealing for die-hard wine enthusiasts and casual grape fans alike. If you taste the cherry, the blackberry, the gooseberry – great! If you didn’t, who cares? Did the wine still float your boat – if it did, great! If not, they’ll pour you another to help you find your palates’s preferences.


As mentioned above, another highly appealing aspect of the Bonobo experience is the atmosphere. Now, no one will ever accuse me of being overly-sophisticated. After all, I have a tattoo of a skeleton drinking wine on a unicycle. So I encourage you to take this next statement with a grain of salt. But there is something inherently liberating, something hedonistically pleasurable about wine tasting while listening to Meghan Trainor on a sunny, balmy winter day on Old Mission Peninsula. You can keep your stringed quartets and your Sebastian Bach, thank you very much. I’ll have my Pinot Grigio with music that I don’t have to pretend to enjoy! The decor is top notch, while remaining minimalistic. This leaves patrons with more space to move about and engage their fellow guests. Included in the atmosphere is the obligatory gorgeous view of water that accompanies all great Old Mission wineries, and the view of West Bay from Bonobo is difficult to beat.

So why should Bonobo Winery be on your tour?

Well, if you like amazing wine, some of the most down to Earth winery employees around, and a setting that promotes good vibes above all else, Bonobo is the place for you. Its location at the base of the Peninsula makes it an ideal way to start your tour off on the right foot, or to end your tour in the most relaxing way possible.

For more tour recommendations, wine and beer events, or for funny wine memes, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. You can find out more about booking the best wine and beer tour in the state by visiting us on our website.

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